School intervention on death from the Spanish curriculum in early and primary education
Death is a natural event that all people face at some time in their lives. Therefore, it is essential to work on mourning and death from the earliest stages. The presented school intervention proposal is based on an exhaustive review of the official Spanish curriculum for Early Years Education and Primary Education, which does not address the topic of mourning, and is based on an extensive literature review (De la Herrán, Rodríguez y De Miguel, 2019). The main objective of this transversal-work proposal based on the pedagogy of death is to educate students from three to twelve years of age, and their families, in relation to the subject of mourning, the awareness of finiteness and situations of loss. It is made up of different sessions of cooperative work led by the teaching staff: curricular and extracurricular sessions of Early Years and Primary Education, mixed sessions with Early Years and Primary students, and extracurricular sessions with the participation of the families. The timing would cover an entire school year, being optimal to extend the plan throughout the years to ensure the comprehensive education of students throughout their schooling. The implementation of this intervention plan, accompanied by the necessary teacher training, is essential to allow students to understand and enjoy life, and accept loss through the pedagogy of death in school (De la Herrán y Cortina, 2006).
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