SUMMA 2024-06-29T00:52:40-05:00 Mtr. Rafael Ángel-Bravo Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong><em>SUMMA Revista disciplinaria en ciencias económicas y sociales</em></strong> (ISSN 2711-0788) es una revista electrónica editada semestralmente por la Corporación Universitaria Autónoma de Nariño - extensión Cali, gestionada mediante Open Journal System y dirigida a investigadores, profesionales y estudiantes. Tiene como objetivo publicar artículos resultados de investigaciones concluidas que conserven un carácter de originalidad, utilidad y relevancia científica que aporten nuevos conocimientos sobre aspectos teóricos o prácticos del pensamiento crítico en las áreas económicas y sociales. Se reciben propuestas en idioma español, inglés y portugués.</p> Factors that influence financing decision making in small and medium enterprises in the Colombian commercial sector 2024-06-14T09:54:59-05:00 Esperanza Hincapié Morales Armando Díaz Salcedo <p>This research aimed to analyze the factors that influence financing decision-making in small and medium-sized companies in the Colombian commercial sector. It is theoretically founded by the authors Ortiz (2005), Gitman and Zutter (2012), Bernal et. al, (2014), Hitt et. al, (2004), among others. The population under study was made up of eight (8) SMEs from the commercial sector of Valledupar. The study is descriptive and field in nature, with a transectional, non-experimental design. The information was collected through a survey, guided by a questionnaire consisting of 39 items, with a Likert-type scale, which was validated through the judgment technique of five (5) experts. The results show the absence of analysis methods for internal and external factors, deficient financing strategies and lack of financial policies. It is concluded that the companies observed have not efficiently carried out a diagnosis of such factors, since they do not use methods that allow them to identify and value these elements and thus configure actions to develop competitive advantages. Likewise, they do not categorize the factors that may constitute risk inducers that affect their sustainability and consequently lead to failure. As a final reflection, it can be noted that the companies observed do not have financial policies that guide decision-making regarding the selection of financing sources and instruments and consequently they have not formulated financing strategies according to their nature that allow sustainable growth. It was recommended to apply methods that allow an assertive diagnosis of the internal conditions of the companies and the external environment. Establish criteria to categorize the level of risk associated with internal and external factors. Formulate financing strategies by anticipating the events that internal and external factors may cause.</p> 2024-04-29T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Incidencia de las dinámicas del comercio internacional frente a la competitividad nacional colombiana (2012 a 2022) 2024-06-22T00:48:25-05:00 Manuel Fernando Cabrera Jiménez Yessica Adriana Peña Ríos <p>In this research was carried out the analysis of the international trade of Colombia and its impact of the economic dynamics in five variables that comprise the national production, the competitiveness of the foreign trade, dynamism of the foreign investment and the incidence of the trade balance in the national GDP, which allow identifying the correlation of the variables that represents the contemporary effects of the country in front of the competitive development of the same one. The application of a methodological design proposed from the quantitative analysis based on the application of the descriptive method from the documentary review and the collection of data from official national entities was contemplated. Additionally, the economic behavior of the country was identified, evidencing the growth of some economic sectors that contribute to the macroeconomic conditions of the nation; however, elements that should be strengthened are highlighted, such as aspects that affect the country's international trade profile, which can improve the conditions of a trade balance in deficit, an exponential fall in the last five years in foreign direct investment and potentiate new productive systems that respond to the new conditions of the global market.</p> 2024-05-06T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Analysis of the efficiency of OECD countries for income generation 2024-06-27T00:52:02-05:00 Francisco Javier Ayvar Campos Jorge Silva Trigueros <p>The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technical efficiency shown by OECD countries to generate income from three inputs, such as gross capital formation, economically active population, and territory, in a period between 2000 and 2020. The analysis was based on the concept of development based on economic growth, and using Data Envelope Analysis (DEA), a non-parametric method of linear programming, for the measurement of efficiency. The results show that six nations were able to maintain an optimal level of efficiency throughout the study period, such as the United States, Iceland, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom; Estonia and Switzerland, on the other hand, were able to maintain the same level for fifteen of the twenty years of study; Norway did the same for ten years; while Germany, South Korea, Slovenia and Greece achieved it for five years.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Data analytics applied to a customer loyalty strategy at the Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Girardot Transportation Terminal 2024-06-28T00:52:19-05:00 Germán Ricardo Bermúdez Navarro Fredy Angarita Reina Pedro Alberto Arias Quintero <p>The Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Girardot S.A. transport terminal does not have an analysis that makes it aware of the market situation in the municipality of Girardot, wanting to know the level of satisfaction of its customers. It is important to mention C.D.A. of the Girardot S.A. transport terminal began work in 2008 with a scope to inspect light vehicles and motorcycles, and at that time there was only one C.D.A. In the city, the Las Acacias Auto Control Automotive Diagnostic Center, which offers inspection for light vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles, and in recent years two new competing companies have emerged, for this reason the city's population has many options to acquire the service, which benefits users, but makes competition between companies difficult. The CDA has an installed capacity to inspect 7 light vehicles and 7 motorcycles per hour, giving this an approximate per month of 2,688 vehicles (with a work schedule of 8 hours a day for 24 days of the month). These have been reduced in the last 3 years of service, reaching a maximum of 1,152 vehicles inspected per month.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) The innovation phenomenon in the Netherlands 2024-06-28T00:52:18-05:00 Jaider Andrés Archila Arrieta Nicolás Ramírez Bermúdez <p>This study analyzes the dynamics of innovation in the Netherlands from an empirical perspective that recognizes that the strengthening of the phenomenon under study guarantees an effective economic development typical of a leading economy. Using the World Bank's Business Innovation Survey as a reference, logistic regression models were postulated to identify the factors that were the most influential in innovation in the Netherlands during 2020. Among the results of the application of the models it is revealed that exporting and personnel training significantly incentivized innovation in the 703 Dutch companies surveyed. The insights provided by the findings present opportunities to strengthen the innovation ecosystem by promoting sustainable growth. In conclusion, it is recommended to establish trade agreements that encourage both innovation and the reduction of tariffs and investment in training programs for workers.</p> 2024-05-22T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Implementation of a technological platform for linking land cargo transportation actors achieving energy and environmental efficiency in Colombia 2024-06-29T00:52:39-05:00 Branda Vanessa Molina Medina José Manuel Tovar Andrade Guillermo Eliecer Valencia Ochoa <p>Technological platforms, through the use of digital tools and real-time data, make it possible to optimize operations in the land cargo transportation sector, reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; which enables more efficient and sustainable transportation in the country. The methodology implemented in meeting the objectives was related to the preparation of the software for the installation process, the development and integration of the technological platform, the creation of a training guide for the use of the technology, the download plan and installation of the platform in the vehicles (installations of the software prototype in land cargo vehicles), and the parameterization of the system with validation tests. The study was developed on various types of heavy-duty land transport vehicles, rigid trucks, tractor-trailers, and closed van-type vehicles; impacting in this pilot phase 0.1% of the existing vehicle fleet in Colombia. With potential energy savings without technological changes of 20%, which are due exclusively to the operational habits and energy culture of the operators. The technological platform proposed in this project is transversal to the most common types of heavy load transport vehicles in Colombia.</p> 2024-06-19T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) La irrupción de la coronacrisis del SARS-COVID-19 en el contexto de la reelección presidencial en Europa 2024-04-11T22:50:18-05:00 Juan Carlos Araujo-Cuauro <p>In the year 2020, the irruption of a pandemic generated by a new Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and its disease COVID-19 was the main protagonist in the social, economic and political scenario, provoking innumerable vicissitudes that changed and impacted the world. However, this new Coronavirus has not yet left, but it has generated a series of consequences that undoubtedly marked the 2020 -2021 and the coming decades. The objective of this research article is to make a descriptive analysis of the presidential reelection process in Europe in the context of this coronavirus and its political effects on the world's democratic institutions. The methodology employed consisted of an updated bibliographic review on the subject, using scientific articles, reports, journalistic notes and statistics from internationally recognized organizations that deal with this topic. However, the political approach in which the consequences of this pandemic on the presidential reelection in European Union countries such as Poland (Andrej Duda), Portugal (Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa) and France (Emmanuel Macron) were captured. In conclusion, the main measures taken by the governments of Poland, Portugal and France to mitigate the harmful effects of the coronacrisis, the management of the medical-health crisis, the response was effective. They managed to anticipate the situation by controlling the curve of contagions and keeping the number of deaths low, and thus also managed to mitigate the economic, social and political impact on democratic institutions.</p> 2024-03-01T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Region Museum 2024-05-29T00:09:01-05:00 Diana Marcela Bernal Monroy Nidian Giovanna Alvarado Reyes <p>Lengupá, located in the department of Boyacá, has been studied for years by researchers from the <em>Museo Región</em> Foundation. This region and its people have become friends and allies with whom cultural heritage has been approached from history, memory, armed conflict, oral tradition, economy, geography, art, education, and other sectors. of everyday life. The objective of this work is to make visible the community experiences of cultural heritage that the <em>Museo Región</em> Foundation has had. The territory has been thought of as a spatial construction endowed with a wealth of transversal knowledge and practices of its inhabitants. This knowledge is part of the so-called intangible cultural heritage and has to do with knowledge about the land, food, plants, the bond between people and the mountains, rivers and their significant relationship with many other beings that inhabit the region. In this learning process and hand in hand with communities there is a union between sciences such as agriculture, archaeology, economics, politics that in dialogue with empirical knowledge define values ​​and weave contemporary reflections around the management of cultural heritage.</p> 2024-05-01T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Autonomy of artificial intelligence 2024-06-29T00:52:40-05:00 Flavio Suárez-Muñoz Alma Azucena Bautista Tejeda <p>Artificial intelligence has advanced significantly in the large volume of data processing that allows a better decision-making, the prediction of a future conduct based on human behavior and the focused generation of information, creating an appearance of autonomy. However, analyzing autonomy from a Kantian perspective, the essential requirements for its existence are identified. The questions emerge like Is artificial intelligence truly autonomous? or If does the autonomy simply serve as a discursive strategy to legitimize automated actions without ethical considerations? Crucially, the ethics and morality in the actions of artificial intelligence are not inherent, but depend heavily on those who develop and supervise it. The morality and ethics related to automated actions can only be evaluated in relation to their creators, this is based on the value judgment behind the technology. Therefore, the need to establish strong ethical and moral regulations is evident, to evaluate and sanction the intentions of those who use this technology and exploitation of personal data without considering the possible negative effects on human life.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Artificial intelligence, autonomy, discourse, responsibility, ethics of artificial intelligence. AI.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c) Agri-food system of the region of Sumapaz in Cundinamarca, Colombia 2024-06-29T00:52:40-05:00 Nelson Enrique Fonseca-Carreño <p>One of the great concerns that countries in the world face, without any exception, has to do with the way in which hunger, malnutrition, undernourishment and all those situations that arise from these anomalies can be eradicated. Under this premise, the research aims to carry out a diagnosis of the agri-food system of the region of Sumapaz in Cundinamarca that involves the identification of problems at the level of consumption, socioeconomic, and productive systems and the measurement of the degree of efficiency of agricultural production practices. . Within the findings generated, an inventory of agricultural products, their production practices and all commercial activities was carried out. Likewise, consumers find in the market place a supply place that plays a fundamental role in the agri-food supply process, for variety, freshness and low prices, and agricultural systems help improve nutrition and eliminate food insecurity, while maintaining and caring for the natural resources on which they depend. It is concluded that Sumapaz farmers have integrated primary production processes with marketing and commercialization to generate economic power, improve productive environments, increase installed capacity and project new specialized markets.</p> 2024-05-29T00:00:00-05:00 Copyright (c)