Percepción de los estudiantes sobre la intención de emprender. Caso: Universidad de Guadalajara, México
The contribution of entrepreneurship to job creation and economic growth necessarily involves education, which is why universities are transforming from the traditional approach to entrepreneurial universities. The University of Guadalajara is no stranger to this, and its changes and impact must be evaluated in this sense, the fundamental objective of this study is to identify how the students of the University Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas of the University of Guadalajara (CUCEA-UdeG) perceive Entrepreneurial intention, the theory behind this study is that of planned behavior (TPB) Ajzen (1985) and the instrument for obtaining data is the business intention questionnaire (EIQ) Liñan and Chen (2006). For the analysis, a sample of 694 students was used, the results were estimated with the model confirmatory factor analysis and structural equations. We found that attitude and control aspects positively influence entrepreneurship, demonstrating that CUCEA-UdeG students are potential entrepreneurs once their studies are completed. It was found that knowledge supports the entrepreneurial attitude and that the opinion of the closest environment empowers to be an entrepreneur.
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