Development of a methodological process of induction to entrepreneurship for the returned Mexican migrant
Currently, there is little research focused on methodological processes to identify the motivation of the returned migrant towards reintegration into society (Ramírez, García & Redondo, 2021; Tovar et al. 2018; (Meierricks & Renner, 2017;Schiff, 2017; Muñóz & Martínez, 2020). The objective of this research is focused on developing a methodological process of induction to entrepreneurship for returned Mexican migrants, through a system of modules that complement the experiences obtained in the country of destination; the methodology used in this research is based on empirical research under transversal and longitudinal non-experimental designs developed during two decades in a Technological Institution and to Small and Medium Entrepreneurs, taking into account the motivation of the migrant towards entrepreneurship. As a main result, a methodological process of induction to entrepreneurship for returned Mexican migrants is generated, which places the migrant in the need to modify his learning in relation to the environment in which he develops.
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