Organizational climate during the post-pandemic: Study of the administrative area of a company in the logistics sector

Keywords: administrative area, organizational climate, logistics sector


The organizational climate is one of the most important elements in the approach and understanding of the labor dynamics that occur within companies today; especially during the post-pandemic era in Colombia after the end of the confinement. Based on this, this study is presented with the objective of measuring the organizational climate of the administrative area of ​​a company in the logistics sector in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). In the methodological field, it is highlighted that the aforementioned research was developed from the positivist approach, being a descriptive study with a non-experimental and field design. The sample consisted of 46 workers from a company in the logistics sector in the city of Barranquilla, to whom an instrument developed by Litwig y Stringer was applied. The results allowed us to observe levels considered unfavorable in the organizational climate within the organization, especially in the dimensions Structure, Responsibility, Reward, Risk, Warmth, Support and Conflict. It is concluded that in these cases of an unfavorable perception, the implementation of strategies aimed at intervening in the organizational climate is recommended, starting with a structural audit on the dimensions with the lowest results.


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How to Cite
Parra Fernández, M., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez Carbonell, C., & Piamba Bustamante, G. (2022). Organizational climate during the post-pandemic: Study of the administrative area of a company in the logistics sector. SUMMA, 4(2), 1-13.
Economic and administrative sciences