Assessment of provision ecosystem services in peasant agroecosystems. Case: Sumapaz Province, Cundinamarca

Keywords: human well-being, water availability, ecosystem services, ecosystems, food security


Provisioning ecosystem services (SSEE) are made up of potential benefits associated with ecosystem functions, which are defined in real services once they are demanded or enjoyed by peasant communities. Under this premise, the objective of the study characterizes and evaluates the perception that agricultural producers have regarding SSEE in the province of Sumapaz in Cundinamarca. In the methodology, a non-experimental, probabilistic, stratified study was carried out (Linares & Cohen, 2022), the information was collected through surveys and participatory methodologies in the period between June 2019 and June 2021. The results obtained show differences σ±1, indicating a high dispersion in the perception of services, however, family and productive stability generates a competitive advantage due to extensive knowledge of the area, the landscape, fertility conditions, plant cover, sources of water, the expressions of vegetation and animal behavior, obtained through several years of observation of the rural family, therefore, the topographic and climatic diversity of the Province offers important productive potentialities that, together with the characteristics and conditions of soils and abundant water resources, enable the development of agricultural activity and offer great andes benefits in terms of diversification. It is concluded that the SSEE in Sumapaz are linked to a high natural diversity, the water for consumption is captured from springs, rivers and intakes, the food production is destined for the food security of the population and the surpluses are marketable, however , there is illegal and indiscriminate logging, excessive grazing, followed by population growth and lack of sources of employment.


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How to Cite
Fonseca, N. E. (2022). Assessment of provision ecosystem services in peasant agroecosystems. Case: Sumapaz Province, Cundinamarca. SUMMA, 4(1), 1-18.
Economic and administrative sciences