Social capital in family nuclei and its significance in human development

  • Manuel Cabrera Jiménez Universidad ECCI, Colombia
  • Yessica Peña Ríos Universidad ECCI, Colombia
Keywords: associativity, social capital, civility


Social capital as an immaterial resource is considered an incident factor in the development, of the ability to generate formal and informal associative links (Putnam, 2011) promoting the collective interest in a society permeated by the particular interests of the subject. On the other hand, the index of social capital according to the 2017 measurement in Colombia, has presented a contraction and decline from the 2011 measurement (Sudarsky & Contraloria General de la Nación, 2018) evidencing a disarticulation in the associativity and the collective interest affecting the strengthening of civility. This study starts by identifying a sample of 125 households that will be addressed from a descriptive investigation with a quantitative analysis approach, which has as its main objective to identify if there is an incidence between the generation and recognition of social capital and its impact on the social and human development in homes in the city of Bogotá, observing as the main result that the capacity for associativity does directly affect the generation of social welfare and strengthening of civility, generated as the main conclusion that although there is no evidence of a strong impact of capital in human development if it can be observed that there is a discreet incidence of this resource in the civic and human development of the households addressed, the stock of social capital is quite weak in the local context.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Jiménez, M., & Peña Ríos, Y. (2022). Social capital in family nuclei and its significance in human development. SUMMA, 4(1), 1-18.
Social sciences