Employer branding. Reflexiones en tiempos de pandemia

  • Ernesto García Cali Corporación Universitaria Americana, Colombia
  • Ana Valle Ospino Universidad de la Costa, Colombia
  • José Cespedes Garrido Corporación Universitaria Americana, Colombia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5492-1994
Keywords: internal client, adversity management, employer brand, marketing, turbulence


Analyze how employer branding (EB) can support organizations in highly complex circumstances as a tool to promote brand reputation from actions focused on internal customers, while they face far-reaching challenges guaranteeing the continuity of operations constitutes the purpose of the study. It is justified by the relevance of the variable directed to the most important intangible resource of organizations, even more so in complex times. Methodologically, it presents a qualitative and interpretive design, of a documentary type, using the technique of content analysis and interpretation, assuming as a source of information articles indexed in the SCOPUS database [377 documents]; At the procedural level, it uses documentary review techniques supported by theorists, including Alcaide & Diez (2019); Viloria, et al. (2019); Slack, Orife & Anderson (2010); Kimpakorn & Tocquer (2009); Dolan, Schuler, Jackson & Valle (2007); Backhaus & Tikoo (2004), among others. The final reflections show the need to manage the moments of interaction with internal clients, intentionally achieving positive experiences in the collaborators, increasing the knowledge of the collaborating staff, the reformulation of the organizational structures aiming at the horizontalization, the mainstreaming of EB management. In addition, it highlights the need to, in complex times such as those brought about by the declaration of a pandemic by COVID-19, underpin the best strategies available in science related to talent management from the discipline of marketing.


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How to Cite
García Cali, E., Valle Ospino, A., & Cespedes Garrido, J. (2020). Employer branding. Reflexiones en tiempos de pandemia. SUMMA, 2(Especial), 179-194. https://doi.org/10.47666/summa.2.esp.12