Training in investigative competences in the students of an inclusive university

  • Alonso Pirela Áñez Universidad Metropolitana, Ecuador
  • Nelia González González Universidad Estatal de Milagro, Ecuador
  • Robinson Pérez Loor Universidad Metropolitana, Ecuador
  • Juan Carrillo Giler Universidad Metropolitana, Ecuador
Keywords: training, investigative competencies, inclusive university, inclusion


The purpose of the research was aimed at analyzing research skills training for students in an inclusive university. A non-experimental cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out for which a population consisting of a total of 30 subjects was selected, to whom the questionnaire was applied. For the data collection process, the observation technique designed according to the variable was used and the data were processed statistically. Among the authors that support the theory we have Figueroa (2009), Martínez (2008), González (2007). The results of the investigation allow us to affirm that with the training in investigative competences the formation of an analytical, creative, spontaneous, free, sensitive, curious, imaginative, curious, autonomous individual will be obtained, with a spirit of investigation, exploration and questioning, that Learn for yourself and convey meanings. Inclusive education must ensure that all citizens receive an education of quality, with equity, excellence, as well as having the economic, human, didactic, technical and technological resources, so that the centers offer answers that lead to the success of all students regardless of their personal, social, economic, cultural, geographic, ethnic and other conditions. It is concluded that universities must have innovative teachers, protagonist of changes, holder of professional skills. Social ethics and a renewing leadership, provided with a deliberate social capital and capable of participating in the decision-making and dialogue decisions


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How to Cite
Pirela Áñez, A., González González, N., Pérez Loor, R., & Carrillo Giler, J. (2019). Training in investigative competences in the students of an inclusive university. SUMMA, 1(1), 35-51. Retrieved from