The Prelude of the philosophical-political drift of the Davos Conferences
Magic mountain
The paper aims to delve into the coincidences between, on the one hand, the approaches of Cassirer and Heidegger in the famous Davos Debate of 1929, and, on the other, those of Settembrini and Naphta, characters from the novel The Magic Mountain, by Thomas Mann, published a few years before the Davos Conferences were held. The comparison will allow us to establish the common elements that we identify as a fork in thought in the twentieth century. But, above all, we identify the fundamental elements that Mann anticipates in his novel and that show that the decisive debate between Cassirer and Heidegger only came to certify the decadence of the bourgeois world, defender of the classical tradition, the Enlightenment, rationalism, the idea of progress or humanism. The exciting proposals of a Heidegger made their way with force: among others, decisionism, existentialism, self-determination and human finitude, being able to say that the 19th century was ending at that time.
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