Herramientas web para la difusión turística en El Churo, Ecuador

  • Nery Carriel Alcívar
  • Félix Pastrán Calles
Keywords: Tourism, community, web tools


The objective of this research is to apply web tools to establish the dissemination of tourism potential in the El Churo community with the purpose of materializing tourism dissemination to encourage promotion through online and offline actions. The methodology used in this research is under the positivist paradigm with the quantitative approach with the use of the inductive method and it is a descriptive type of research, which is based on observation. This procedure since it facilitates the use of techniques such as survey and interview. The study population corresponds to the El Churo Artisanal Fishery Production Association (ASOPROPECHU) with 64 members, who are participants in the Natural and Cultural Tourism research project in the Pedernales Canton of ULEAM-Ext. Pedernales, for which non-probabilistic sampling, of an occasional or opinion type, was implemented, being carried out on 30 members. As a result, the community presents tourist potential as a consequence of the physical-natural resources, such as the strategic position and its proximity to the sea, which benefits it due to the Cojimíes river estuary, where fishing is developed and can be transformed towards the sport fishing, bird watching, tours of the mangrove swamp, as well as land activities, cycle rides, traditional games and other activities to sustain culture. In conclusion, El Churo is presented as an opportunity to expand the offer in the Canton for its tourist resources.


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How to Cite
Carriel Alcívar, N., & Pastrán Calles, F. (2023). Herramientas web para la difusión turística en El Churo, Ecuador. SUMMA, 5(2), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.47666/summa.5.2.4