SMEs in the colombian flowering sector: financial analysis 2014-2019

Keywords: financial performance, value management, SME flower growing sector


The purpose of this research work was to evaluate the financial performance of small and medium-sized companies in the floriculture sector in Colombia in the 2014-2019 period, with a quantitative approach of exploratory and descriptive scope, and static and trend analysis was used as a method. of accounting and value management indicators that revealed its growth, efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness. It was found that the flower SME achieved accounting returns, with the return on assets being higher in the medium-sized company, because it was more effective in managing costs and operational expenses, while the return on equity of the small company was higher because it was more efficient in asset management; However, in the six-year term, small companies destroyed added economic value, contrary to what happened in medium-sized companies that created value. When comparing the entire floriculture sector with the SME, it was found that its effectiveness measured by the return on assets was lower than that of the medium-sized company, while its return on equity was exceeded by the SME; however, the floriculture sector achieved the best result with the value management indicators, and created the highest added economic value. This research can be complemented with the analysis of variables that impact on each of the factors of the accounting returns and value management, as well as it can be extended for groups of companies similar in age, legal structure and geographical location in the middle. domestic and foreign.


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How to Cite
Rivera Godoy, J. (2021). SMEs in the colombian flowering sector: financial analysis 2014-2019. SUMMA, 3(2), 1-24.
Economic and administrative sciences