Operational-financial investment decisions in motor importing companies for vehicles

  • Aminta De La Hoz Suárez Corporación Universitaria Antonio José de Sucre, Colombia
  • Arminda Mendoza Herrera Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
  • Martha González Vergara Corporación Universitaria Antonio José de Sucre, Colombia
Keywords: decisions, importers, financial investment, operational investment


Businesses in the XXI century point to the needs of economic entities, focused on how to invest their money to find a desired economic return. That is why they are in charge of managing the investments made, focused on business success, so that the investments turn out to be positive according to the way they are managed. From this reality, the purpose of this research was to describe the operational-financial investment decisions in companies importing motor vehicles, based on the positions of Gómez (2013), Brito (2012), Brealey and Myers (2012), among others. Methodologically it was developed as a descriptive study with a non-experimental-transectional and field design. The population was made up of three motor importing companies from the Maracaibo municipality, Zulia state - Venezuela. As a data collection technique, a questionnaire validated by expert judgment and with a reliability of 0.81 was designed according to the application of Cronbach's Alpha. The results allowed to validate that companies make operational investments, mainly in inventory to generate profits when valuing their costs, for the moment they are not interested in the monetary placement in stocks and bonds, therefore, financial investments related to equity participation are not abided by. It is concluded that the magnitude and pace of business operations guarantee their progress with investments in inventories since their business idea is to generate the constant flow of cash in their own way and not with financial investments that allow them to capture resources from another source.


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How to Cite
De La Hoz Suárez, A., Mendoza Herrera, A., & González Vergara, M. (2020). Operational-financial investment decisions in motor importing companies for vehicles. SUMMA, 2(2), 137-160. Retrieved from https://aunarcali.edu.co/revistas/index.php/RDCES/article/view/134
Dossier: gestión y organización