Validity and applicability of the Bauhaus and the influence of its teachers, for academic training and visual creation
Founded in 1919 by architect Walter Gropius, in Germany, the Bauhaus is established as a fundamental and precursor school for the training of artists, designers and architects, hosting a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary exercise, redefining the barriers between fine arts and applied arts, integrating artists and artisans, eliminating the separations that existed between them. This research-creation exercise, developed through different stages, seeks to raise various reflections and creative processes, regarding the validity and impact of this school, a century after its foundation, in relation to the professional training of designers, visual artists and related artists, as in the transformation of the modern urban landscape. This process is supported by a bibliographic review, of a historical and conceptual nature, supported by various practical and creative exercises, developed with students in diverse academic settings, in Colombia and Ecuador, aiming to apply or put into practice various approaches and aesthetic concepts of this school, in the development of visual communication projects. This research-creation project has allowed to understand the impact and validity of some foundations of the Bauhaus, for academic training and the evolution of urban environments, in an industrialized world.
Ángel-Bravo, R. (2018a). Análisis formal y aplicación de conceptos de la Bauhaus, a través de piezas bidimensionales y tridimensionales. En Memorias del Primer Congreso Internacional de Diseño Gráfico (p.28). Marcela Ximena Parra Pérez (ed.). Latacunga, Ecuador: Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Ecuador.
Ángel-Bravo, R. (2018b). Influencia de la Bauhaus en la evolución del diseño gráfico en el siglo XX. En Memorias del Primer Congreso Internacional de Diseño Gráfico (p.7-8). Marcela Ximena Parra Pérez (ed.). Latacunga, Ecuador: Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Ecuador.
Ángel-Bravo, R. (2019). De la Catedral al Pan Am: el edificio como legado ideológico de Walter Gropius y la Bauhaus. En A. Gómez, A. León-Grisales, O. E. Tamayo, S. H. Sierra (Eds.), Diseño y Creación (pp.225-234). Universidad de Caldas.
Ángel-Bravo, R. (2023). La arquitectura como legado de la Bauhaus en el continente americano, a través de la obra de Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer y Mies van der Rohe en Nueva York. Seminario Internacional De Investigación En Diseño, 14, 76-80.
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