Economic growth and its impact on the environment measured by the Kuznets curve. Ecuador, period 2010-2020

  • Génesis Macas Lituma Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador
  • Guido Macas Acosta Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador
Keywords: economic growth, environmental Kuznets curve, environmental degradation, green economy


Economic activities have caused opposing harmful effects on the environment causing an ecological-economic disturbance, according to the environmental Kuznets curve hypothesis that explains the relationship between economic activity and environmental degradation. It has been more evident in developed countries, since they have a great industrialization, overexploitation and depletion of natural resources, the same that greatly influences environmental deterioration, however, in Latin America and Ecuador it does not contribute to such a large scale to pollution. The objective of the study is to analyze the incidence of economic growth on the environment in Ecuador during the period 2010-2020, through the use of the Kuznets curve for the evaluation of environmental policies. With a methodology to verify the validity of the hypothesis of the curve for the Ecuadorian case through descriptive results that will make statistical and econometric sense using a multiple linear regression model with the variables: GDP, CO2 and Energy Consumption (EC) per capita. The use of renewable energies partially contributes to the reduction of environmental degradation, despite the fact that CO2 emissions continue to increase over time, in addition to the application of environmental policies.


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How to Cite
Macas Lituma, G., & Macas Acosta, G. (2023). Economic growth and its impact on the environment measured by the Kuznets curve. Ecuador, period 2010-2020. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-15.
Economic and administrative sciences