Technological foresight as a dynamic capability in research centers. Case study CIDETEQ
Currently, organizations must be prepared for the technological changes presented by their environment and anticipate these changes to adjust their technological strategy, this is achieved through technological foresight. The present work aims to analyze how technological foresight can be a dynamic capacity of an organization, specifically a research center. For the present investigation, the electrochemistry area of the Center for Research and Technological Development in Electrochemistry (CIDETEQ) was taken as a case study. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with the main actors in charge of technological foresight. Five characteristics are identified in common between dynamic capabilities and technological foresight. These characteristics are: they are a built and not purchased capacity, they integrate resources, reconfigure resources, gain resources and allow organizations to adapt and create changes in the environment. It is concluded that technological foresight is a dynamic capacity built capable of integrating, reconfiguring and gaining resources that allows it to adapt to the environment of an organization.
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