Solidarity economy practices in the artisan cooperatives to Campeche, Mexico

Keywords: crafts, artisans, cooperatives, solidarity economy, tourism


The objective of this work is to explore the practices of the solidarity economy that in the production and marketing phase are practiced by the members of two artisan cooperatives located in the state of Campeche, Mexico. Both have the particularity of being models of association promoted by government agencies through public policy. In this sense, it is observed that the origin of cooperatives is decisive for their subsequent performance in the economic, social and internal dynamics fields. Using an exploratory and descriptive approach, this study takes up some of the precepts of Solidarity Economy (ES) raised, mainly, by authors such as Coraggio (2001) and Razeto (1993). Methodologically it responds to the Grounded Theory (TF), which allows the creation of theoretical categories from the data, in this case, they were called solidarity economy practices (access to knowledge, solidarity, equity, participatory democracy, self-management). Data was collected from 20 semi-structured interviews with members of the study cooperatives and from participant observation during field visits. It was found that the solidarity economy practices that regulate the organizational dynamics of cooperatives are the product of the administrative requirements imposed, mainly due to government support. The forms of solidarity work, self-management and participatory democracy lack authenticity and commitment on the part of the partners of these organizations.


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How to Cite
Cruz Coria, E., Velázquez Castro , J., & Briones Juárez , A. (2020). Solidarity economy practices in the artisan cooperatives to Campeche, Mexico. SUMMA, 2(2), 13-38. Retrieved from