Validity of a habitus model of coffee entrepreneurship
The entrepreneurial coffee grower habitus, emerging in a context of cultural interrelation, supposes the advent of a local development process focused on the management, production and transfer of knowledge. The objective of this work refers to the establishment of an instrument and a model for the study of the phenomenon. Non-experimental, cross-sectional and exploratory work was carried out with 90 coffee growers. From a structural model ⌠X 2 = 124.24 (22gl) p = 0.010; GFI = 0.995; CFI = 0.970; RMSEA = 0.008⌡ it was observed that the vertical habitus reflected the entrepreneurial factor of coffee growing ( 0.41 ) with respect to the horizontal habitus , inherited and learned . In reference to the type of study, sample selection and statistical analysis, the limits and scope of the work are discussed, suggesting its extension to other contexts and different study samples.
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