Formulation of public equity policies in Colombia
Approach to the Ten-Year Public Health Plans
The objective of this study is to describe in general terms the formulation of the ten-year health plans in Colombia with the purpose of revealing the challenges and proposing effective strategies to overcome difficulties. Methodologically, a qualitative, descriptive and documentary type of research is developed. The findings show that the ten-year public health plans and their challengers in the formulation of public policies for equity in health are diverse, including the allocation of resources, overcoming cultural and socioeconomic barriers to access to health services, and effective coordination between different levels of government and civil society organizations, lack of access to health care in rural areas and marginalized communities. The strategies include reforms in resource allocation; awareness and education programs; improved inter-institutional coordination; investment in infrastructure and access; promotion of research and continuous evaluation. It is concluded that the ten-year public health plans in Colombia highlight the crucial importance of the formulation phase in public policies. These plans reflect a significant evolution towards more equitable care that is sensitive to the social determinants of health.
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