Data analytics applied to a customer loyalty strategy at the Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Girardot Transportation Terminal

  • Germán Ricardo Bermúdez Navarro Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia
  • Fredy Angarita Reina Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia
  • Pedro Alberto Arias Quintero Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Colombia


The Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Girardot S.A. transport terminal does not have an analysis that makes it aware of the market situation in the municipality of Girardot, wanting to know the level of satisfaction of its customers. It is important to mention C.D.A. of the Girardot S.A. transport terminal began work in 2008 with a scope to inspect light vehicles and motorcycles, and at that time there was only one C.D.A. In the city, the Las Acacias Auto Control Automotive Diagnostic Center, which offers inspection for light vehicles, heavy vehicles and motorcycles, and in recent years two new competing companies have emerged, for this reason the city's population has many options to acquire the service, which benefits users, but makes competition between companies difficult. The CDA has an installed capacity to inspect 7 light vehicles and 7 motorcycles per hour, giving this an approximate per month of 2,688 vehicles (with a work schedule of 8 hours a day for 24 days of the month). These have been reduced in the last 3 years of service, reaching a maximum of 1,152 vehicles inspected per month.


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How to Cite
Bermúdez Navarro , G. R., Angarita Reina , F., & Arias Quintero , P. A. (2024). Data analytics applied to a customer loyalty strategy at the Automotive Diagnostic Center of the Girardot Transportation Terminal. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-9. Retrieved from
Economic and administrative sciences