Tourism offer in the province of Ayabaca, Piura – Peru

  • Johanna Santa-Cruz Arévalo Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Perú
  • Jessica Viera-Cánova Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Perú
  • Almendra Zúñiga-Aguirre Universidad Nacional de Frontera, Perú
Keywords: tourist attractions, tourism management, local government, tourism offer, tourism resources


The tourist offer of the province of Ayabaca, Piura was analyzed, under a qualitative approach, with a phenomenological design, interviews were applied to public servants in the tourism area in the districts that make up the province. A documentary analysis was carried out to validate the results obtained in the interviews. The four dimensions considered in the research contemplated: delimitation of the tourist space, situation of resources and attractions, situation of services and investments in the locality and most outstanding problems of the tourist offer. The results showed that the province has 31 tourist resources, the tourist facilities offered are basic, with some houses adapted to provide catering and lodging services, likewise it is evident that the government authorities of the districts do not give due importance to tourism sector. Finally, there is tourism potential to develop the sector, however, this sector needs to be part of tourism planning in each district.


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How to Cite
Santa-Cruz Arévalo, J., Viera-Cánova, J., & Zúñiga-Aguirre, A. (2023). Tourism offer in the province of Ayabaca, Piura – Peru. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-8.
Economic and administrative sciences