Implementation of a technological platform for linking land cargo transportation actors achieving energy and environmental efficiency in Colombia

  • Branda Vanessa Molina Medina Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia
  • José Manuel Tovar Andrade Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia
  • Guillermo Eliecer Valencia Ochoa Universidad del Atlántico, Colombia
Keywords: Platform, ground cargo, energy and environmental efficiency


Technological platforms, through the use of digital tools and real-time data, make it possible to optimize operations in the land cargo transportation sector, reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; which enables more efficient and sustainable transportation in the country. The methodology implemented in meeting the objectives was related to the preparation of the software for the installation process, the development and integration of the technological platform, the creation of a training guide for the use of the technology, the download plan and installation of the platform in the vehicles (installations of the software prototype in land cargo vehicles), and the parameterization of the system with validation tests. The study was developed on various types of heavy-duty land transport vehicles, rigid trucks, tractor-trailers, and closed van-type vehicles; impacting in this pilot phase 0.1% of the existing vehicle fleet in Colombia. With potential energy savings without technological changes of 20%, which are due exclusively to the operational habits and energy culture of the operators. The technological platform proposed in this project is transversal to the most common types of heavy load transport vehicles in Colombia.


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How to Cite
Molina Medina , B. V., Tovar Andrade , J. M., & Valencia Ochoa, G. E. (2024). Implementation of a technological platform for linking land cargo transportation actors achieving energy and environmental efficiency in Colombia. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-8. Retrieved from
Economic and administrative sciences