Region Museum

Initiatives and experiences of community work on cultural heritage in Boyacá

  • Diana Marcela Bernal Monroy Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, Colombia
  • Nidian Giovanna Alvarado Reyes Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia
Keywords: Lengupá, intangible cultural heritage, traditional cuisine, community work experience, museums


Lengupá, located in the department of Boyacá, has been studied for years by researchers from the Museo Región Foundation. This region and its people have become friends and allies with whom cultural heritage has been approached from history, memory, armed conflict, oral tradition, economy, geography, art, education, and other sectors. of everyday life. The objective of this work is to make visible the community experiences of cultural heritage that the Museo Región Foundation has had. The territory has been thought of as a spatial construction endowed with a wealth of transversal knowledge and practices of its inhabitants. This knowledge is part of the so-called intangible cultural heritage and has to do with knowledge about the land, food, plants, the bond between people and the mountains, rivers and their significant relationship with many other beings that inhabit the region. In this learning process and hand in hand with communities there is a union between sciences such as agriculture, archaeology, economics, politics that in dialogue with empirical knowledge define values ​​and weave contemporary reflections around the management of cultural heritage.


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How to Cite
Bernal Monroy, D. M., & Alvarado Reyes, N. G. (2024). Region Museum. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-10. Retrieved from
Social sciences