Artificial intelligence, self-awareness and human rights of artificial subjects

Keywords: artificial intelligence, conscience, human rights, artificial subjects, LaMDA


Artificial intelligence as a technology that imitates human behavior, has had great advances thanks to technological development that serves as a platform for the processing of large amounts of information, this allows technology to know people in detail and thereby reproduce emotions and feelings artificially. So, this technology has surpassed people in abilities such as mathematics, prediction and decision making, however, linguistics represents a limitation for this technology, since the semantics that is what gives meaning to words, has not yet been completely overcome by machines. On the other hand, self-awareness is intrinsic to people, this is biologically imprinted in the brain to be aware of the environment, this is enhanced by interaction with the environment, but artificial intelligence lacks this biological network that detonates internal consciousness, so it cannot be self-conscious, this leads us to, attempts to recognize human rights to these technologies will not succeed, at least not in the short term.


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How to Cite
Suárez-Muñóz, F. (2023). Artificial intelligence, self-awareness and human rights of artificial subjects. SUMMA, 5(1), 1-11.
Social sciences