Theory of money in Marx and Venezuelan communal currencies

  • Emmanuel Borgucci García Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
  • Genoveva Gutiérrez Briceño Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela
Keywords: commune, communal currencies, solidarity exchange system, theory of money, theory of value


In recent years, the Venezuelan government has insisted on leading an economy based on the extraction and export of oil along the path of what has been called “Socialism of the XXI century”, promoting, among other things, the idea of ​​commune, as a unit. territorial, economic and political, with its own monetary circulation scheme based on the exchange of equivalents. These purposes lead to consider the fact that an exchange of values ​​is sought within the monetary theory of Karl Marx. This work aims to analyze the insertion of the labor theory of value in the Venezuelan community production and exchange model. Consequently, the corresponding legislation will be investigated into the operation of the Venezuelan communes, their socio-productive organizations and the solidarity exchange system; in the same way, the theory of money in Marx will be investigated bibliographically and finally the possibility of applying the "law of value" in the communal sphere. It is concluded that despite the entry into force of the laws that make up the Venezuelan communal system and the possibility of using the so-called communal currencies, the existence of these means of exchange are limited.


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How to Cite
Borgucci García, E., & Gutiérrez Briceño, G. (2021). Theory of money in Marx and Venezuelan communal currencies. SUMMA, 3(2), 1-27.
Economic and administrative sciences